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...............Two Chicks On A Farm......Our New Blog

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Harmony's First Peach Tree!

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.

Well, I've purchased my peach trees and now I must make another very important decision:  where and how to plant them. Once again, I consult an expert (after throwing out many lifeless plants I've learned to google before I just dig a hole and throw a plant in it). Oklahoma State University is famous for it's Ag Programs, so who better to ask?

After watching the video, I think it would be prudent to take an ibuprofen before I take up my shovel.  "An ounce of prevention..........." My back problem you know. O.K. Now that I have the scoop on the "how to" it's on to the "where". 
Since Becky never met a tree she didn't want to plant, I need to find a place where my precious peach trees won't  be  in  the  shade  from  the  many  other  trees  we have  planted  here  at  Harmony  Acres. 

Hm mm...............What about...no, that is too close to the black walnut trees.  What about.....no, that is too close to the plum trees.  What about....no, that is too close the the cedar trees.  Oh, come on now, we have five plus acres. It shouldn't be this hard. There must be a place!  I can almost hear the little peach trees sighing in frustration and thinking "humans can be so dumb"! 
Meditating on the problem (smoking a cigarette on the front porch and drinking a Dr. Pepper) I decide to go out into the yard and pretend I'm a peach tree.  Where would I want to show off my blossoms and fruit in the years to come?
After careful consideration, and changing my mind no less than a dozen times, I've found the perfect place, I think.  I'll put them out by the Red Delicious Apple tree and start a mini orchard there.  I knew I could do it.

Next week, I'll pretend I'm a  blueberry bush (very picky plants) and  a cherry tree and decide where I want to be planted.  Until then, I will leave you with one last thought for the day:

Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity.

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