It would be nice if the Food and Drug Administration stopped issuing warnings about toxic substances and just gave me the names of one or two things still safe to eat.
Hi ya'll. It's another hot, humid Oklahoma day (it's not the 100+ degree temperature that will get you around here, it's the humidity). Each day brings a new challenge when you live in the country. Most folks around here grew up in the country so the things they just know and can do with ease can send me on a scavenger hunt for an answer (for example, when to plant vegetables, what is the best time of day to water plants, how to get rid of gophers, how to get honey out of a hive without being stung, how to syphon gas out of a gas tank. oops wasn't suppose to ask that one, was I?).
How did we live before we had cell phones (we had landlines), Internet (we used real books), microwave ovens (we used wood burning stoves), fast food restaurants (the kitchen was the heart of the home) or the food pyramid (ahhh! the good ole days. Everything was cooked in grease, bacon fat or tons of butter)? It's a mystery to me that Mom and Dad had none of these things and they did just fine. Go Figure!
My latest attempt at healthy cooking. The Dinner Doctor's Meatless Mushroom Galette & Fresh Green Salad. Where's the beef? |
Speaking of Food Pyramids, they changed it again (not that it really matters to me cause I've managed to ignore it since they first created it). I don't think they've figured out if it don't have chocolate as a daily requirement, people won't use it even if they wrap it up in black lace and put a bow on it.
![]() Media (1 of 9) Food pyramid is out, MyPlate is in |
I told ya. No Chocolate. What a shame! |
Becky does everything she can to keep me healthy but it's a hard fought battle for her (I'm sure she is getting jewels in her heavenly crown for this nightmarish attempt to reform me). When I was growing up, Dad would take his glass gallon jars to the local dairy and buy milk. The next day, I would scoop the cream off the top and have a bowl of cereal. Mmmmm mmmmmm good! She even found tools at to encourage me to eat better. Take a look at this! Math was never my thang. So precise measurements bore me but this is so easy. Just fill her up and eat till it's all gone and then go to bed hungry and raid the fridge in the middle of the night. A gal's got to have a plan.
Everything I eat has been proved by some doctor or other to be a deadly poison, and everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life. But I go marching on.
~George Bernard Shaw
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